Monday, November 26, 2012


I just saw a post on FaceBook.  "It doesn't take much to make a woman happy.  It takes even less to make her mad."

I agree, but something inside of me won't let me show anger.  I want to be mad sometimes but I just can't express it.

That's all I have to say about that for now.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Just a memory

It's a sad truth when those that were once friends and/or lovers reach a point of bitterness where they can no longer be anything; not friends, nor enemies, but just strangers with memories.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Why do I have a day or so of good days just to be followed up my days upon days of bad days?

A good day gives me hope that I'm getting better.  But when the bad days hit all my hope is lost.  I physically hurt & I have no control over anything.


So many of the choices I’ve made in my life have been reactions to fear. Something in my world changes and inside I panic. I’m attacked by thoughts of disaster. I imagine failure, torment, agony. And then I act. I do something rash or fruitless in order to put a bandage on the situation, because the one thing I most fear is being afraid.