Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Not perfect...

I'm not perfect & I know this.  I've made my share of mistakes & I've paid for them dearly.  The mistakes I've made have taught me lessons that have made me think in very specific ways.  Unless you can step inside my head & understand why I am the way I am, you have no right to judge me, my mistakes, or how I am.

I have opinions.  I'm pretty sure that my opinions differ from yours.  I don't tell you that you are "wrong" for thinking what you think or doing what you do.  If you are happy with your life, I'll be happy for you.  I'll even support you doing whatever you happen to think is right for you & your life.  That's what friends do.

Nobody knows you better than you.  You know better than anybody else what is right for you & your life.  Nobody knows me better than me.  I know better than anybody else what is right for me & my life.

I have learned to be very careful about who I trust.  I very rarely open up to people.  When I do, it is even more rare that I let anybody completely in...I have learned that even when I trust somebody it's best to not let any one person know everything.  Seems this has been proven true to me again.

I have been quick to judge before.  It's sometimes hard not to.  I apologize when I should.  It's one thing to make an incorrect initial assumption.  It's very different when a person you consider a friend, a person you have confided in, a person you trusted...bashes you.

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