Thursday, July 16, 2015

Silence is golden...

SILENCE CAN BE DANGEROUS… IT KILLS RELATIONSHIPS…. it leads to misunderstandings and differences…. when we don’t discuss things we end up making assumptions, and these assumptions cause more problems… Don’t let silence kill your love and don’t let it come in-between two loving hearts…. talk as much as you can…. discuss the things that need to be discussed…. don’t wait for the other person…. if something is bothering you, talk about it…. Never keep silent over about things that are troubling you, and the things you don’t want… never let go anything that is important to you….. talk, and discuss things and compromise… work together as a team, each giving and taking to make it all work… this time spent working it all out is much more important than just partying and sleeping together and never fixing what is wrong.

~Neena Gupta

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