Sunday, September 21, 2008

...don’t try to be a friend if you don’t plan on the follow through.

I was just thinking in general this morning about people. I'm tired of people that are nice for a while & seem to act like they are a friend...only to turn around later and either blow you off or stab you in the back when you're not watching. Wasn't thinking of any one person in particular.

I'm tired of so-called friends that only seem to be that way when they "need" something from me. I'm tired of people that are "friends" until a better offer comes along where they decide to betray any trusts that were ever shared.

People wonder why I am so hard to get to know. People wonder why I tend to "guard" myself & the "real me" - when you get burned so many times, you learn that it's safer to be that way.

Mike, Marcus & Jason (yeah, I'm finally okay saying their names) did things that can not be forgiven. They hurt me & they severly inhibited my ability to trust people, as well as their intentions. But the damage done by other people who claimed to be my friends futher intensified this problem for me.

I am tired of this. I am tired of always wondering what the motive is when somebody seems to want to befriend me. I want to be able to have friends that I trust. I want to be able to have friends that are always my friends. I want to have friends that will be there for me no matter what. I want to have friends that are my friends even when somebody else comes along that wants them to betray the trust between friends. I'm tired of being defensive & I'm tired of not feeling "safe" around those that should make me feel the safest.


  1. Jamie (9/21/08 6:20 PM):
    Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.

  2. Julie (9/22/085 12:08 PM):
    Amen sista'! I feel the same way. That's why I dont think I have very many friends. And Jamie's comment is so true lol!

  3. Craig (9/28/08 9:18 AM):
    You know Im here for ya :) party coming up once again next month...

  4. LaDonna (10/4/08 12:10 AM):
    Real friendship is a treasure and can only be developed over time. It takes trust and committment. A willingness to work through all of life's little details. Real friends are the ones who you may not see every day but are the same when you do see them. They are the ones who you can call in the middle of the night when you haven't talked to them in months and know that they are there for you. Having a friend means being a friend. It means being yourself and allowing others to be themselves.
