Friday, October 17, 2008

When in doubt, do it upside down!

There are some things that I do differently just because I can or just because nobody tells me I can’t do it that way…like having the registration sticker on my truck windshield upside down. The instructions specify where on the windshield you are supposed to place the sticker, however it does not specify that it has to be right-side-up. Therefore because I can & because the instructions didn’t say I couldn’t…I put it on there upside down and by just glancing at it, you see 60 90 rather than 06 09. I think it’s funny. I’m just not real sure if I want to know if it’ll be viewed the same way if I ever get stopped and the officer has to do a head-stand in order to make out what it shows. Nevertheless, it’s a risk I chose to take. I thought about applying the same concept to my license plate as well, but after further consideration, I opted against it because it would be too difficult to make out what it says (SPKRLE), and yes, I know that the R should come before the K, but amazingly enough, that one was already taken.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I sat in my truck and looked at the glass front of the store this morning. I even wondered briefly (very briefly) if I had been working there recently. Taped up on the glass at the front of the store were a few posters. A couple were advertising the upcoming Marion County Fair, one was advertising their current promotion at the store & the last one…well I don’t even remember what it was because the 3rd one just tickled my funny bone. It was upside down!

I’m just guessing but I don’t think it was supposed to be upside down. Surely they didn’t hang it that way just for my enjoyment. Yeah, I realize that I notice little off the wall things sometimes that most people wouldn’t pay any attention to like what hand the waitress at the restaurant writes with, among others, but this is a big poster hung up on the front window of the only grocery store in town. There are at the least 4 or 5 parking spaces directly in front of the poster.

Maybe it is that was on purpose. Maybe they want to see how many people notice it? Maybe they think it will work better if it’s like that? But I think if that were the case that they should have been a little more consistent. They should have hung all of the gigantic hanging posters in the store upside down as well. I thought about mentioning it inside, but then I just figured it might be interesting to see how long it stays that way.

Maybe it came with instructions of “where” to hang, but not “how” – in that case, I most likely would have hung it upside down as well. Because…when in doubt, do it upside down!

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