Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I quit...

I quit...

That's not really something I like to say. I usually go out of my way to avoid saying that. But in this case, I believe it's for the best...MySpace!

When I first created my MySpace, it was because I was trying to find somebody. I succeeded & found him & for that I am thankful. But...I'm tired of that place always doing nothing much more than bringing me down. It always seems to make everything seem worse than it really is.

I am NOT a negative person. I have always managed to find the good in almost every situation. And that being said, MySpace is easy to work with & it has re-connected me with a few people from my past. However, I usually get on there when I'm bored or aggravated to start with & things just seem to go downhill from there.

Drama seems to run rampant. It has, in a couple instances, even led to a few major "differences in opinion" where I have ceased all communication with people as well. Off the top of my head, 2 come to mind. One was resolved & the other I see no chance of ever being friends least not to a pre-MySpace relationship. I don't need that. I definitely don't need anything that adds drama to my life. Between myself & my friends in "real life" I have plenty.

So, I'm proud to say I'm a quitter. I'm going to start "cleaning" everything up. There for starters, and here as well. For those of you that actually pay attention, you'll most likely see things disappear. I'm tired of feeling like I'm stuck in a downward spiral & I feel like I've been that way for quite a while now. It's time to let all of the past go & it's time to start making the best of what's here now.


  1. I understand and Im am in the same situation. Myspace is my only link to friends I have in other states. And Im thankful it has reconnected me with several people past and present but it does bring drama and it does bring me down as well. Im bearly on there right now myself other then to check in. So if your a quitter then Im one too! :)

  2. well.. I'm glad myspace reconnected us. Keep in touch either way- myspace or no myspace!

    -charlie h
