Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Social Studies Church & a Shrunken Car?

I am usually a very hard sleeper & do not usually remember my dreams. Tonight, however, was an exception.

I left Cosmo in the house last night. (For y'all that don't know...he's our 120+ pound good-for-nothing-much dog...but we love him!) He came to the bedroom door around 3 AM & made his little (like anything from him would sound little...but anyways...) little sounding grunt noise because he wanted outside. Amazingly, he woke me up. I'm not sure if he woke me up or if I had already been awake from the wacked out dream, but nevertheless, I got up out of bed & let him out.

Talk about messed up dreams...I'm not sure what to make of it...it had 3 semi-related/tied together parts...but thinking about the parts, it doesn't make any sense b/c the way I remember it, the parts were all out of order. Either that or, I have forgot a part, but I don't think so...

I was at a church I used to go to about 8 years ago. (But the reason I was there seems to have been b/c earlier I was at the 2nd part & stopped here on the way home b/c I wouldn't have time to make it to the church at home...that's why it seems so out of order...) A girl got up and started talking & even though I don't remember what she was saying I know it wasn't anything I would have expected to hear in church...it wasn't the usual singing before the sermon...she was trying to get me (and whoever else there) to join a nursing-type organization. I knew her but don't know who she was...I can't place her. She had 80's style hair...sorta crimped looking with about half pulled back into a barrette & big poofy bangs. When she finished talking I figured the sermon would be next but I was wrong again. Somebody turned on an overhead projector & then I realized we were all sitting in desks rather than pews. There were social studies themed transparencies & we were supposed to be taking some sort of test. Then I remember talking to a girl I knew in high school after the "service" & she told me it got like this after the older church members left & most of the members were nurses???

I was at my old elementary school sitting on the desk of my 1st grade teacher but she was in the wrong room...she was in the 4th grade hall. There were a few other people there as well, but I don't remember who they were & I don't ever remember "seeing" her. I was there to tell her about the 1st part (but again...I was at the 2nd part b/c I was here 1st???).

When I was leaving from the 2nd part (& I guess on my way to the 1st), I couldn't find my car. I don't know why, but I was driving the gray car from about 5 years ago. Somehow I had the clicker button & since I couldn't find it I was pushing the panic button so I'd hear it & be able to find it. I pushed it once...heard where it was right close to where I was...quickly turned it off...but when I got there I didn't see it. I pushed it again. There were a bunch of people sleeping next to a wall. They told me they didn't know it was my car and that they had been sleepoing on it. On it? When they all moved & left I saw it...it was shrunken! It looked like a little turtle shell. The girl that had been at "church" with me was there & half-way believed me but wasn't sure. The top & bottom of the car weren't attached...they just sorta clicked together, so I opened to top from the bottom of the car and shook the contents out. All of my now-miniature stuff was there. She believed me then. There was some sort of meeting in the gym. Lots of little kids. For some reason, I went there to figure out what had happened & it was a secretive kind of thing. I finally got somebody to talk to & he said he'd get them to fix it...

That's about when the dog woke me up...

I don't know what any of it means or if it should mean anything...I'm just still a bit bumfuzzled. Figured I'd write it down before I forgot it though.

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