Sunday, March 15, 2009

Someone Else's Problem

Category: Romance and Relationships
This is for someone who needs it right now...

It started so beautifully. He was the most romantic man she'd ever met. He sent flowers, showered her with compliments, gave her plenty of attention. Things were smooth sailing...for the first few months.

Then they had their first fight.

No big deal. Every couple fights. But as she stood there, listening to him yell at her, she saw a side of him she'd never imagined possible. Gone was the kind, caring man she'd fallen in love with. In his place was a man who was getting unreasonably angry over a simple thing. He was shouting at her even after she'd stopped arguing back. Even as tears streamed down her face. This could be a deal-breaker.

Through him, she learned how words could hurt. But she loved him and he was usually so kind. It was just a fight, as every couple has. She just had to work hard to keep him from getting so angry next time.

After it was over, he apologized. He knew he'd hurt her and he'd try to be kinder from now on. She forgave him, but the wound was there. Gradually, it began to heal as he returned to his kind, romantic self. How could someone so gentle, so loving, be the same person who had shouted at her? She must have imagined it.

Then one night it happened again. She said something that angered him and he snapped. Her tears seemed to break through his anger a little, but for some reason he thought they were a ploy. He didn't understand how much his words hurt her. He didn't understand that his words left a scar she would have for the rest of her life.

More fights. Most of the time he was fine, but the bad times began to weigh her down during the good. Soon, he was resenting her for even being around and she was desperately clinging to the memory of what they once had been. She would cry and he'd tell her to just stop crying. He'd tell her to shut up. He'd condescend to her and try to make her feel lesser than him when all the time...

She was so much more.

She knew she should leave but she had invested so much time, how could she just walk away?

Finally, one day, she reached her breaking point. She walked away and with each passing day, she began to heal. Despite the many horrible things he'd said to her, she knew she was a beautiful, intelligent woman and she'd be fine on her own. Although she missed him, she felt free from his mood swings. Free from his hurtful words.

Soon she found herself being showered with attention from single men. How could such a wonderful woman still be single? they would ask. Her spirit came back, stronger than ever, and she wondered how she could have ever let someone talk to her that way.

And then it happened.

He found someone new.

He showered the new girl with romantic words. He was kind to her, just as he'd been in the beginning of their relationship. She wondered if the girl knew what her future held. She wondered if maybe this time it would be different. Maybe she -- and all the others who had come before her -- had just brought out the worst in him. Maybe the new girl was stronger, better at loving him. Maybe she wouldn't put up with being talked to that way and walk away the first time it happened. Or the second. Or the third.

But it didn't matter. She looked around at her new life, at the new friends she'd made and the strength she'd found in being on her own. This was her life now. Her life was filled with laughter and happiness and fun. No longer did she have to worry what mood he'd be in when she came home that night. No longer did she have to walk on eggshells for fear of angering him. She was free and now...

Now he was someone else's problem.

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