Saturday, January 2, 2010

Reasons...Those Ties

Have you ever sat & thought about how if one little thing never would have happened how so many other things never would have followed to happen either?  The "Butterfly Effect" if you will...those ties that we don't understand in the moment...

There are so many times when things don't go our way & we blame life.  In a round about way, maybe it teaches us...usually for our own good.  But "life" is really not to blame.  Our choices & everything that has ever happened up until that point is to blame.  There is not always a clear cut reason.

When things go wrong, our future self learns from the choices we made...we become a better person.  We learn from experience.  When a future, similar situation presents itself we have a memory to draw from that helps us make a better decision.  If we can learn to believe that everything happens for a reason, we can learn to have confidence in our own decisions to be better when our path is hindered by a bad situation in the future.

Consider the possibility that nothing in life happens by accident & that everything actually does happen for a reason.  Everybody we meet in life plays a part in our future, be it big or small.  Some will betray us, make us cry, hurt us...but we become stronger.  Some will teach us a lesson, not to change us but to make us realize our mistakes & to help us grow as our own help us make better decisions as our future self.  Some will be there to love us, inspire us, motivate us...make us happy in all the ways we need happiness.

Everything that has ever happened, good or bad, has shaped our present & future self to be smarter & stronger.

Life is full of confusion & questions.  We won't always have all of the answers when the moment arrives.  But believe that every single thing that has happened up until that point will all make sense eventually.

When life confuses you, laugh at it.  Smile when you feel like crying.  Remind yourself that there is a reason & that reason will only make you better.

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