Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What if we run out of food?

What do I write when I want to write but don't know what to write?

I didn't used to run into this problem...I used to be able to sit down here & wind up clicking away at the keys for hours...but back then I wasn't concerned about anybody actually seeing what I wrote either because I wasn't publishing it to the world wide web.

I know of a few people that check every time something new pops up on here. Them, I don't worry about because I know who they are & they know pretty much anything I could post on here's the people that I don't know who they are that worry me. I'm not so high on myself to think that this is one of the web's most visited sites, but I'm not dumb enough to believe that those 3 people count for the 1,000+ hits that I have here either. I guess I'm just paranoid enough to think that some of y'all might be some of those people that have always managed to use my thoughts & feelings against me.

Today was such a strange day. Sometimes there are those days where the whole thing is a haze...just sorta blah where I don't really get much of anything done just because I don't want to. Sometimes there are those days that I manage to accompish the moving of mountains...where I do more in that day than most people even attempt in a few weeks. Today wasn't really either of those.

This morning the haze was there. This afternoon I tackled one of those mountains. This evening, I managed to light a couple piddly little fires (even though they were at the bottom of the hill in the flood-lands) & also managed to "stuck" my truck down there as well. Eventful, yeah - a little. Satisfying - no.

There are days when you get that little extra something that makes you smile & feel good about being you. There are days when drinking everything away seems like a good idea. There are days when you glow inside just because of the smiles you see on the faces of your kids. Today was all of those.

It's amazing these days when I realize that I still have "something" that seems to manage to catch attention. "I" feel that I'm still in good shape (especially considering my age) but it is extremely nice when somebody else points it out to me as well. (hell, I feel that I'm even in good shape compared to other girls who are the same age as I claim to be most of the time, lol) So, it is extremely nice when somebody else notices as well. PS - the photo requests were fun too.

Don't worry, I'm not following in the famous alcoholic footsteps of generations past. But yes, I drank a drank or two tonight & enjoyed it. I follow the advice of the comercials (sometimes) and know when to say when. Tonight I followed the advice. I'd hate to get in that "mouthy" state tonight or even worse in that "wild" state.

My kids are amazing! Even when they make me want to string them up by their ankles from that big oak tree out back, they still manage to make me smile. After learning that the truck was stuck down the hill, Camie's first reaction was worry..."What if we run out of food?" There's my bright side - I'm pretty sure I'll have it out before then. =)

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