Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What I Want (part 2)...

I guess this will most likely sound strange coming from me, but I want somebody who believes things should be like they used to be in a way.  I believe that the man should have the majority of the power in the relationship.  (Yeah...those of you rolling on the floor to know that this is coming from me, go ahead & get back up b/c there's more.)

That being said...there are some stipulations that might differ a little bit from "true old school" thinking.  I will NOT be run over.  My stipulation is that there's a lot of give & take involved.  My smart mouth & attitude might be just a tad strong.

If my guy makes me happy...I should do whatever I can to make him happy as well.

If my guy provides for me...I should make sure that I provide for him as well.

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