Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happiness & All That Other Shit

Was originally gonna title this one something else, but then something a friend said about "what they should have made a CD title" popped into my head.

I really think I should split this up into 2 posts b/c I've got 2 different things on the tips of my fingers...but I think I might can be okay with spilling them both in this 1.


Yeah, some people have them. Here in the past few weeks it has been brought to my attention that not all of mine are "real" ones though. I'm not so dense that I think all friends are always true friends but I thought that I pretty much knew which ones were for me & which ones were against me. Apparently I was mistaken.  

The "real" ones...even the ones that you don't see or talk to often...will always back you. They won't talk you "down" to others. They're the ones that no matter what you do, they always stick around.

I have 1 true friend that's been by my side.  He'll have my back always.  The "other" ones I don't need.


Yesterday I talked to a friend who said something that took a while to sink in & make sense to me. The jist of what she said...or how it made sense to me was that if he really cared for the kids & me as much as he wants me to believe that we wouldn't be going through this "where are we gonna live" situation...that he would have already made sure that we were good in that respect.

Sitting outside this morning, that all really clicked with me. It would be nice to know where we were going to be every night, but I'm gonna figure it all out. I am a tough cookie. It may take me a little while to get all my little duckies lined up but it will happen.

This is a good thing.

This is a good day! =)
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