Friday, October 8, 2010

If I had a potato...

I think Roger might be a good name for a potato.  Of course, I'm also considering Norman or Sebastian.  I still haven't figured out why I'm thinking about names for pet potatoes though.

Oddly enough I've also got the Batman theme song stuck in my head at the moment.  So...I guess I could name my potato Bruce.

Ya know...if somebody ever decides to shoot me, I sure hope they're a pretty good shot because if they missed or didn't do a good enough job the first time I think I would be ticked off.  We're not even talking tequila ticked here...I figure it's be a bit worse than that.

Cody sacked out on my couch tonight...guess I'll be not sleeping here in the recliner instead of over there tonight.  A while back, I did learn that if I get it set just right in the corner that it works really well for........oh yeah, 2 second rule works sometimes.

It's rare that I ever want something that I'm scared of but I've got more than one of them somethings swimming around my mind here lately.  Not really sure what to make of them either.  I usually prefer to lay all my cards out on the table, which I have concerning one of the somethings, but for other somethings I'm not so sure I should.  After being burned a few times I think that holding those cards for a while longer could be best.  But my mind starts kicking in telling me that laying them out there as well might be best as well.  It's always tougher when there's more than just me involved in a situation.

I don't think I would name my potato Garrett.

I want somebody to convince me again that it's all worth my while.  I want to believe in it all again, but I don't want to fall into great only to find out that people change again.

I don't know why I think potatoes should be boys.   

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