Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Randomness 1/11/2012

Don’t worry about tomorrow…it’s just the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

Sometimes the hardest choices are the ones most necessary.

Don’t be a fool…when life offers you a chance at happiness, you better take it.

Sometimes you need to stop worrying about making everybody else happy & realize that YOU deserve to be happy.

Forget the drama.  Move on in life.  Be who you are for you & not anybody else.

Happiness is a lot like a butterfly.  If you chase it, it will continue to fly away.  If you focus on the other things in life, it will land softly on your shoulder.

Is going to try on “normal” today.  I suspect it’s not gonna fit though.

I mixed coffee & Red Bull together this morning.  Now I’m seeing noises!!!

There’s a fine line between genius & crazy.  I like to use that line as a jump rope.

No matter how hard you try, you can’t make everybody happy.  You just end up hurting yourself more in the process.

Things happen for a reason.  All you have to do is go with what you think is right.  Don’t let things get you down…just carry on.  Forgive & forget.

Blood is thicker than water?  When family turns their backs & friends stand by your side you know who really cares.

Go ahead & push me…I’m already down.  Go ahead & break my heart…it’s already torn.  Go ahead & burn me to the ground…I’m already scorched.  Just go ahead & do what you’re gonna do.

You can deny all you want.  Unfortunately it doesn’t change the situation already created or damage already done.

Sorry, I don’t have enough tokens to continue playing your games.

My wall is now 30’ high, 2’ thick & rigged with explosives.  Good luck.

Even after all the tears & heartbreak every girl has that one guy that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t get over.

My heart may be shattered, but I still love you with all the little pieces.

Love is an amazingly horrible thing that gives somebody the power to hurt you.

Just once I want to meet a guy that is more afraid to lose me than being hurt.

It’s always the ones you love the most that make you cry the hardest.

Life is too short to ignore what your heart really wants.

Everybody keeps telling me how strong I am & that I’ll get through this.  But they’re not there with me when I cry myself to sleep at least every other night.

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