Thursday, May 29, 2014

I don't even know...

...I don't have a freakin clue what this is.  Everything was fine one minute & the next I was back in some sort of hell.  I just want to run away & disappear.  Leave all the heartache behind me.  I look around me & all I see is the pain I cause.

Made a call.  Have job feelers out about 150 miles away.  Can I really do that?  Probably not.  But do I want to?  Hell yes!

I know what I want.  It's never been mine.  I don't see how it could ever be mine.  It gets dangled in front of me time after time.  I think it's right there.  I feel like a damn rabbit chasing a carrot on a string.  It's always gonna be just a few steps out of my grasp.

I don't like not getting what I want.  Yeah, that's a bratty thing to admit...actually bratty isn't even close to the right word.  It's down right horrible for me to say that.  Here I'll admit it...I'm a horrible person.

I know I have people that care.  But just because they care doesn't mean they understand.  There's no way they can understand because I guard my innermost feelings with explosives.  If anybody knew, they wouldn't think I'm the great person I try to be.

I have so many words log jammed up in my mind.  I know there are words to say what I want to say but I can't get them to my fingertips.

Therefore...if anybody cares enough to save me, feel free to do so.  I just hope that they know how dangerous I really am.  I've destroyed everybody that's ever got close to me.  Are there any explosives experts out there that are up for a good challenge?

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