Saturday, August 23, 2008

The bulletin survey that was so hard on me.

If you were given an extra $10 in change at Wal-Mart, what would you do with it & why?
Be pretty confused b/c I usually use my debit card & don't get cash back. However, if for some strange reason, I rec'd an extra $10 in change, I'd most likely stand there & look confused as well wondering why I had too much money…then I'd wind up explaining to the "not-so-bright" cashier how to count money backwards & match it up with the amount the register shows to hand back to the customer.

What's the biggest lesson you've learned from your past relationships?
That I should be more choosy.

What's one of your worst habits?
The one that bothers me the most is the habit I have of allowing other people to determine how I feel & what I want. I tend to base what I "want" on what others want. I hate that.

Choose a unique item from your wallet & explain why you carry it around.

I don't even know what I have in my wallet…most likely stuff that's been there for the past 5 years or so. I carry it around because it's there I guess.

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be & why?
I would be a little smaller again. I don't like being bigger than I used to be.

If you were given a million dollars & 24 hours to spend it in (no depositing or investing), what would you do with it?
First off, I'd be bill free. I'd try to find a land with a house; pretty much anything the kids want; new truck; new car; maybe I'd buy an (established) grocery store to take care of the grocery part of the rest of my life…I really don't know, but if anybody is really interested, give me that million & 24 hours & I'll see what damage I could do.

What do you value most in life?
It seems that the more I think about it, the more I realize that I have neglected those things that I value the most.

I value happiness. I value family. I value my ability to be. I value doing the right thing compared to the easy thing. I value friendship. I value each & every day as a chance to make things better.

What is your greatest regret?
Neglecting those very things I value the most & realizing that by doing so I don't make anything better.

What do you see as your greatest achievement?
I see future great achievements in my kids. That is what I want my greatest achievement to be & right now it is all a work in progress.

How do you deal with someone you don't like?
The same way I would want them to deal with me. Just because I don't like somebody does not give me the right to treat them badly. Just because somebody doesn't like me does not give them the right to treat me badly either. Everybody deserves to be treated fairly. Regardless of whether I like somebody or not, I try to treat them the same way I would want them to treat me.

(Do unto others…)

What do you feel you are entitled to in life?
…a fair chance. Nobody is "entitled" to more than anybody else. (Not saying it works that way, but it should.) You are entitled to what you earn.

How do you personally define right & wrong?
I always try to look at things from the other direction. If I was at the other end of any particular action, what would I think was right; what would I want; what would I feel? My view of right is what is best for everybody involved. If I wouldn't want something done to me, somebody else most likely doesn't want it done to them either.

Your dream vacation?
I'm an adrenaline junkie…I want an adventure of some sort! Yeah, pretty & relaxing is nice, but I want to have fun. I want to go do something that I will remember…(climb a mountain, go parasailing, skydiving, bungee jumping, whitewater rafting, drive a racecar, ride a roller coaster, ski trip, backpacking, cattle drive (lol), dog sledding across Alaska, llama trekking, hot air ballooning, rock climbing, etc.

) Sure, I want some time to just sit back & relax, but I want there to be a reason to relax!

Worst injury you've ever had?
I've never been seriously injured. I guess you could say a knee injury since I did just have knee surgery, but it wasn't a "serious" injury…it wasn't going to kill me.

What do you want to know about the future?
I'd like to say that I want to know how everything works out & ends up…but at the same time, I think knowing would change it. If I knew what the future held, most likely my decisions would be different b/c of knowing…then the future wouldn't be the way it was going to be before I knew.

Yeah, does that make sense?

What are you listening to right now? Out loud or in your mind?
Move Along by the All-American Rejects & it is actually playing outloud.

Do you collect anything? What?
You want to take a wild guess? Eggs (lol). Nice, pretty, girly & even sometimes dainty eggs…some are glass or porcelain, some are metal. They're the only "frilly" things in the entire house.

Do you like hot sauce?
Sometimes…mainly in salsa form with chips.

What is your heritage?
German, Scottish-Irish, Indian

What do you have in your pockets?
Just my cell phone today…usually have my debit card & drivers license in my back pocket if I go anywhere though.

Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits or other defining characteristics?
They're only that way to other people…to me they're perfectly normal!
I have very particular ways of doing things: certain way & pattern to walking my ½ mile "track every day, certain way of mowing the grass (direction & pattern), certain way of folding & stacking clothes, there are tons of little things that other people find odd…

What is your earliest memory?
Not exactly a good one.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A smurf (lol), seriously.

What are some influences from your past that have led you to do the things you do today?
The ones that have influenced me the most are the bad ones. I still think about them and try to learn from them.

What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
Becoming a mom.

What is your greatest regret?
Not standing up for myself more; taking the easy road rather than the right one.

In your opinion, what is the most evil thing a person could do?
Living a lie…not being true to oneself or those you care about.

Here's where I stopped

If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be & why?
The past is why I am who I am today. I think that by changing even 1 little thing, that everything else would have changed from that point forward. There are some things in my life that are absolutely wonderful & that I wouldn't trade or want to change for the world & for that reason I have to say that I don't want to change anything, even the bad, from my past.

Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
Optimistic - almost to a fault!

What is your greatest fear?
Fear itself. I hate fear & how it makes me feel & what it does to me. I really can't think of anything I'm afraid of other than that. I'm an idiot most of the time & do really stupid stuff for fun (ha ha). But I really have a problem with being afraid or scared. This usually comes in the form of fear to hurt somebody's feelings or let somebody down.

What do you believe makes a successful life?
Being happy with yourself & the choices you make.

How honest are you about your thoughts & feelings?
I keep my thoughts & feelings to myself for the most part. I don't like people to know what I think; I don't like people to know how I feel. It makes me too vulnerable & I don't like that. However, I don't like keeping it all to myself either. It's not fair to me or those that are close to me.

Who or what, if anything, would you go to extremes for?
my kids - no questions asked

In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping the at a distance, etc)? How close are you to your family?
I tend to keep everybody at a distance in some way or another. I've really been trying to work on that though. I treat people the way I would want them to treat me. Like the previous question about treating those you dislike...I treat everybody, regardless of what I think about them, as fairly and as nicely as I can. I do usually come off pretty rough around the edges & sarcastic but I try not to do so in a hurtful way.

Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
I really don't know. Most likely my mom. But I rarely turn to anybody for help, even when I should.

Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who & why/why not?
no. I am a trusting person to an extent, but at the same time, as far as "me" is concerned, I don't think there is anybody I trust in a "with my life" situation...I think I was burned too many times & just have an extremely hard time letting anybody "in" that close to trust them that much.

Do you care what others think of you?
In certain circumstances, yes. But for the most part, no. I am me. I do the things I want to do. I dress the way I want to dress. If somebody doesn't like that, it's not my problem. I am mostly a take me as I am kind of person. There are instances when I've bent on that a little bit, but it's not "me" to hide who I am for somebody else's pleasure.

What makes you laugh?
I make myself laugh all the time. It sure as hell beats making myself cry! I love sarcasm & laugh b/c of that a lot. My kids make me laugh a lot...especially Camie. You wouldn't believe some of the things that come out of her mouth.

How do you deal with stress?
I ignore it. Definitely not the best thing to do with it. Sometimes if I get really stressed, I walk it off; sometimes I clean like a crazy lady; sometimes I write.

Are you spontaneous or do you always need to have a plan?
I rarely have a plan. I have a hard time sticking to plans (ADD-itis). I usually want to have a plan, but it seems like every time I try it doesn't work b/c if I take the time to try to plan something, it HAS to be perfect & until it's perfect, it's not right. I'll wind up spending more time planning than any logical person would see necessary & then something usually happens that screws the plan spontaneous is good.

Describe a routine, normal day for you.

wake up...get the kids fed & make sure they're dressed in "daytime clothes"...wash & fold a load or 2 of clothes...unload & reload the dishwasher...sit down here for a while...wash & fold another load of laundry...empty the dishwasher...fix the kiddos some some sit-ups & push-ups...clean up from the kids having a food fight...part 1 of my daily walks...check the mail...get back on here for a while...2nd set of sit-ups & push-ups...start something for supper...finish up any laundry stragglers...finish supper...get back on here for a while...clean up the kitchen after the kids eat...get the left-overs half-way put up so when David gets home & eats, I can move them to the fridge...get the kids in for their baths & ready for bed...get back on here for a the kitchen after David goes through it...put left-overs away...get the kids in bed...back on here for a while...put the kids back in bed...back on here for a while...put the kids back in bed...back on here for a while...put the kids back in bed...back on here for a while...put the kids back in bed...back on here for a while...put the kids back in bed...back on here for a while...put the kids back in bed...finally crash myself.

What is your greatest strength?
I truly care about other peoples feelings.

What is your greatest weakness?
I truly care about other peoples feelings & let that compromise my own feelings a lot of times.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Be better about caring for my own wants & needs.

Do you like yourself?

What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
I want to be happy & I want my kids to be happy.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
a mental health facility (ha ha - come on, I've got to at least have 1 sarcastic answer in all of these somewhere!)

What is the one thing you would most like to be remembered after your death?
That I always made the best out of life & that I was the best mother possible to my kids.

What 3 words best describe your personality?
hard-headed, stubborn, sarcastic

What 3 words would others use to describe you?
hard-headed, stubborn, sarcastic

What have you found to be the best way to relieve tension?
Sit down & just write whatever pops in my head.

Is there something you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?
Sky Diving! Doing it in April!

What is your biggest regret?
Not being more honest with myself & others about how I really feel & what I really want.

What do you like best about your life?
That I have 2 amazing kiddos.

What do you like least about your life?
That I don't always do what I think "I" need to do & more often than not focus on what other people want me to do.

What is the dumbest thing you've ever done?
Think that I can make things change & hold on waiting for that to happen. Maybe not the dumbest, but I see that as my biggest flop. "I" can't carry the world around on my shoulders & I try to hard to do so.

What is your favorite way to relax?

What is your favorite thing to do alone?
Drive - I don't have to know where I'm going, just going is an amazing time to think to yourself.

Are you a good parent? Why/why not?
I try to be the best parent I can be, but I know I have definitely had my share of bad-parent moments. I don't deny that. But the main thing is to learn & improve. I wasn't born a parent. The best I can do is to learn as I go.

What is the weirdest thing about you?
"I" am weird. I do strange things in strange ways. That's just me.

Glass half full vs glass half full?
Half Full

Three places you would love to visit?
Germany, Scotland, Australia

Super powers you wish you had?
I "have" super powers - I am Sparkle Dirt! (okay, another sarcastic one.)

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