Thursday, September 10, 2009

Projects: Entertainment Center (2009-09-09)

Built a 5 shelf bookshelf a few months back. Last week I added on to that bookshelf, winding up with a full wall entertainment center. The original bookshelf is on the left hand side, everything except for the top shelf.

The original bookshelf has a 'beaded board' type of backing. I will most likely come back later & add the same backing to the rest of the piece so that the wires & cables will be hidden from view.

Overall I'm pleased with how it turned out. Took 2 days, but could have done it in 1 if I hadn't had to go somewhere the 1st afternoon.

If anybody wants something like this built, let me know. It's built with real wood, not the cheap brittle, particle-board stuff that you get when you buy a pre-fab piece somewhere like Wal-Mart. If I built this same piece for somebody, it would most likely cost between $600-$800, depending on current lumber costs.

Projects: Corner Shelving Units (2009-03-15)

The kid's rooms are always disaster zones! Ater building the bookshelf I had a few extra boards & an idea to possibly make the de-cluttering problem in their rooms a little easier to manage. That idea gave me these 2 corner units.

If anybody wants something like this built, let me know. They're built with real wood, not the cheap, brittle, particle-board stuff that you get when you buy a pre-fab piece somewhere like Wal-Mart. If I built something like this for somebody it would most likely cost between $150-$200, depending on the current cost for lumber.

Projects: Bookshelf (2009-03-10)

My 1st building project:
a bookshelf built back in March.

I forgot to take a picture of just the bookshelf before adding on to & modifying it into something else, so I've just cropped the rest of the new project out so only the bookself is shown here.

It took me a lot longer than it should have to get this built but it was a learning I said, it was my 1st ever building project.

All in all, I think it turned out just fine.

If anybody wants something like this built, let me know. It's built with real wood, not the cheap, brittle, particle-board stuff that you get when you buy a pre-fab piece somewhere like Wal-Mart. If I was to build this for somebody, it would most likely cost somewhere between $$200-$250, depending on the current price of lumber.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Still Ramblin'

Some days are good. The past few days have been good. I had something to do...I had a project...I had something to keep my mind busy...I had something that I "had" to finish. Most of the time I start something & never wind up finishing it. This little project wouldn't really let me get away with that because as long as it wasn't done, my living room would be a construction zone. It's not completely finished, that would be too easy, but it's finished enough so that everything looks okay.

I still have a couple shelves that I need to cut & I need to add a section of trim. I did goof a little bit by not removing the back of the original shelf because now I have to figure out how to move the shelves that are screwed on from the back side...

Some how I always seem to manage finishing stuff up without actually finishing anything. Looks like I've done it again. Ta-da.

I've finally cleared some of my mind. After carrying a secret around for about 8 years, the "knowing" that I've finally told him about what really happened back then has finally set part of me free. I think that's what inspired the new project. The initial relief that I felt in my mind gave me a peace that I hadn't known in years. For the first time in a very long time I was able to sit back & think about "nothing" without actually anything of anything. As far as all that goes, I feel good.

But most days are still like today. I haven't done anything...I don't want to do anything. I've sat here on the couch & watched about 20 DVR'd NCIS episodes. There are things I "need" to get up & do - I just don't want to. I've thought of tons of things that need done...I've also decided I'd just do them tomorrow...knowing good & well that most likely won't happen because the kids will be out of school for the weekend & holiday on Monday. That should have helped me talk myself into doing things today but instead I'm just a little flustered figuring it won't get done until next week now.

I'm sitting here watching the clock. In about an hour I've got to get up & go to town to pick the kids up from school. I dread it. I don't want to go. I don't want to go anywhere. Just getting up, getting dressed & doing anything gets me flustered & aggitated. I put off doing anything involving going anywhere as long as I can - which is most likely why I'm usually late. Since I'm usually late that adds to my flusteration level. But I know that the reason I'm usually late is because I'm flustered in the first place & because I put off going until I'm already pressed for time. The "knowing" why I'm late & the "knowing" why I'm more flustered than I should be doesn't do anything though...I still do it.

A couple weeks ago I even went through hypnosis to try to ease my social anxiety. She told me that I did wonderful through the session but I haven't noticed any change in my dread of going anywhere.

Most of the time the anxiety kicks in before I go anywhere & eases up once I've actually there. In big crowds or when there are lots of "strange" people around me I'm usually wound pretty tight the whole time but when I'm just going to "normal" every day places I'm usually okay once I actually get there. I don't know if maybe I should concentrate more on the "building up" part of going places?

Since I'm rambling here, I've got an entertainment center that I need to get rid of now. It was about $350 new - guess I could sell it for about $200 if anybody wants it. It's heavy...has 3 thick black glass shelves, dark colored wood frame & an arm that comes up from the back to hold a flat-screen TV. The arm is hollow so that cables & wires can be hidden from view. It's a nice piece.

I'd stash it somewhere but it's a little too big for me to just stick it in a closet & a little too heavy for me to just load it up & take it to the storage building...not just an easy pick up thing. Most likely will wind up taking it to storage but then I've got to sorta make more of an effort to do something than I usually feel like doing. I've got tons of stuff I don't need. Should have a garage sale, but then I'm openly inviting people to come see me & talk to me. Hard to have a garage sale when you avoid people like I do.