Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Greed.  Selfishness.  Some people really just amaze me.

About a week ago one of my FaceBook "friends" made a post about how her boyfriend had bought her a new phone & how awesome he was for doing so.  "Bravo" to her for being happy I thought.  Well, a few days ago she makes a new post about how the relationship was no more & that she kept the phone.  There was a joyous tone in her post.  I thought that it was sort of mean.  Today she made another post about how she had already been asked out again & added that maybe she could get a car out of this one.  What the hell?

Okay, so the relationship with the phone guy didn't work out & she kept the phone.  I don't think I could have accepted the phone in the 1st place if things were bad enough that just a few days later it all ended.  If he did something horrendous that caused a sudden, unexpected end to the relationship then I might see where keeping the phone would be okay.  But I still don't think "laughing" about it would be called for.

Kudos to her for already having another guy asking her out.  Apparently the last "wonderful" man she had in her life didn't really mean anything to her, so why feel bad about the break-up?  One of her 1st comments is that she wants to try to get a car out of "this one" just seems really greedy & selfish.

What is wrong with people thinking other people don't matter?  Does she think it's "cool" for her to be talking about these guys like this?  Do their feelings not matter?  What if it was somebody else talking about her the way she's talking about these guys?  I know it's a cliche that guys only want girls for sex but what if that's all they want from her & then they go around bragging about how they got what they wanted from her & left her like yesterday's garbage?  What ever happened to DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WANT OTHERS TO DO UNTO YOU?

Maybe the phone guy relationship was bad.  I've had a couple bad relationships myself.  When they ended, yes I was hurt & angry but I didn't make fun of him.  Every relationship, good or bad, deserves respect.  There was a reason the relationship started in the 1st place.  Nobody goes into something "knowing" or "expecting" it to be a nightmare.  Even my worst relationships were at one time good, positive things.  That is the part that I will always cherish & respect.

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