Monday, October 22, 2012


I want to go on a vacation.  Sometimes I want to just go away by myself for a while but I really want a "family" vacation.  I want to load up with the kids & just drive somewhere.  It could just be for the weekend...that'd be fine.

I can remember back when it was just me & Cody.  He was a baby, not even 2 years old, but I'd load him up on Friday evening after I got off work & we'd just drive for a few hours.  I never really knew where we were going.  I never knew until we got there.  I'd take off in a direction & just go.  It was freedom I think.  It was something different from every day normal life.  It was a distraction.  It was fun.  It was the unknown.  It was both planned & unplanned.  It was adventure.  I can't tell you where we went.  We'd stay the night somewhere just because I liked the name of the town or because that's where I stopped to get gas or because that's where he happened to wake up or because it just might have seemed like a good place to stop & turn around.  The next day we'd try to find a Sonic then a park or rest stop somewhere to stop & play for a while before driving on to another little place somewhere or heading back home.  They weren't "fancy" vacations.  They were just what I thought of as "family" time.  I miss doing that.

It's hard for me to imagine myself doing anything like that now.  I rarely leave the house.  The thought of getting out & going somewhere like that "on my own" is enough to make me want to make sure all the curtains are closed, lock the doors & curl up in a corner somewhere.  But to think about all of us going...that I could handle.

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