Monday, February 16, 2009

I want what I want

Not getting what I want is something fairly "new" to me.  I'm not saying that I've always had exactly what I've wanted, but in general when I wanted something in life, it was mine for the taking, or at the least I knew how or what I needed to do in order to get it.  Now, things seem to be different & I'm not real sure how or what to make of things.

I've never had to "scheme" or go to any extreme lengths to have what I wanted.  I've never had to be rude, evil or mean either.  Hurting somebody to get what I wanted was never an option I even had to consider.  Somehow, amazingly, everything always wound up falling into my lap.  Yes, there have been hard times & times I've tried to forget.  By no means has my life been perfect.  Yes, I've made my fair share of screw-ups.  But there was always a bright side to things.

Now I sit here & wonder why I can't have what I want this time.  Why don't the other side of things want what I'm wanting this time?  

All I really want is for everybody to be happy with their life.  I want what I want but at the same time I want everybody else involved to want the same thing as I do.  I don't want anybody to feel like what I want is going to mean they don't get what they want.  But I don't understand how somebody can want something for somebody they love that doesn't want the same thing.  The way I see things & the way I "want" for those I love is what they want.  How can somebody love somebody & not want that somebody to be happy - how can they want something for that somebody that the somebody doesn't want as well?  

Maybe this makes no sense the way I want it to make sense, but that's where I am.  

1 comment:

  1. baby girl you had a great teacher when it came to how to love someone. you know that real love only wants for the other what the other wants themself. thats not always an easy thing to do. its not easy to want something for someone else that you dont want yourself.

    i know you and i know youre going to do for everybody else first its how youve always done. thats part of what makes you the you that you are and part of what makes you so damn easy to fall in love with. and its probably what makes it so hard to let go of you as well. letting go without trying as hard as possible to hang on is just as dumb as not grabbing on when your there in the first place.

    baby you just hold onto what you want because you deserve to be happy more than anybody i know. and if the hes dont see that they dont deserve you in the first place.
